Friday, July 2, 2010

Pet Tips for a Safe July 4th Holiday

The 4th of July is a time for celebration but it can also be very stressful for pets. Every year we receive dozens of calls about pets lost during this holiday. Fourth of July can be a frightening time for our animals, and the loud sounds of firecrackers and fireworks can cause pets to flee looking for security or shelter. To keep your pets safe and healthy on the July 4th holiday and all summer long, the Hancock County Humane Society recommends keeping the following tips in mind:

 Make sure your pet wears a collar with an identification tag at all times, even if he only lives indoors. The ID tag should include your current address and phone number, so you easily can be contacted should your missing pet be found. Have your pet microchipped in case his collar or tag becomes lost.
 Keep your pet indoors in a cool, quiet room. Close all the windows and curtains to muddle the sounds of the fireworks. Turn on the TV or radio for them.
 Do not leave your pets in your backyard or outside during fireworks displays that are audible or visible from where you live. Do not leave them outside unattended if they are within hearing range of fireworks.
 Leave your pet at home during firework displays. Animals have a heightened sense of hearing so the loud “booming” noise can be deafening causing your pet to panic and want to hide.
 Never leave your pet unattended in a car during firework displays. He can become extremely frightened, overheated, agitated and/or destructive and even find a way to escape from the vehicle.
 If your dog or cat still experiences severe anxiety, consult your veterinarian about prescribing a mild sedative to ease your pet’s stress. Consider boarding your pet if you will be out of town.
 Never use fireworks around pets. Do not leave matches or candles around them either. Your pet could easily knock them over and start a fire.
 Take any lost animal to a local animal shelter right away, so you can help reunite owners with missing pets.
 Clean up firework debris before letting your pet outside. If your pet eats the debris, it may cause digestive problems or serious injuries.

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